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Senior Focus - My Sustained Investigation

The main focus of my artwork for my senior year was crafting my sustained investigation, a series of 12 pieces that I submitted to the College Board for the AP 2-D Art and Design Exam. My sustained investigation was based on my healing journey from chronic migraines and exploring my central question: "What does healing look like for me?". I wanted to represent the full spectrum of the healing process and all of the emotions that accompany it.


Each piece started with brainstorming ideas and compositions in my sketchbook. Next, I set up and took the main photo. After that, I moved into editing in Adobe Photoshop where I'd edit the colors of my photo, collage scrapbook paper and other images to make backgrounds, and add the flowing line present in all of these pieces. One of the most important things I strived for was the emotional quality of each piece, which I achieved through my compositions, color schemes, facial expressions, and surreal elements.

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